Women in Business - Leading for the future - Aviva - Berlin Online Magazin und Informationsportal für Frauen aviva-berlin.de Women + Work

AVIVA-BERLIN.de im September 2024 - Beitrag vom 12.05.2005

Women in Business - Leading for the future

The 8th women´s International Networking Conference takes place in Geneva on 6-8 October 2005. Early Bird savings for registration in May!

Over the last 7 years, the WIN global conference has become one of the most professional and innovative voices in the world on issues related to leadership and women working internationally. It is attended by outstanding professional and executive women from around the globe, sponsored by multi-national organizations and supported by international business schools and women´s networks.

The three day forum has a practical approach and gives participants tools that work in real business, and real life. It includes a global outlook, work & career issues, and leadership & personal growth, all enhanced with a focus on boosting creativity and accelerating innovation and change. The forum´s panel and networking sessions are complemented by numerous workshops for the mind and body, coaching labs, social activities and more!

You can take part by:

  • Registering as a participant and benefiting from extra special savings until the end of May.

  • Spreading the word to friends and colleagues.

  • Getting your women´s organization to partner and join the WIN network for increased exposure and special discounts.

  • Becoming a speaker (apply now as the programme is being finalized).

  • Becoming a sponsor.

  • Find out more on: www.winconference.net

    Women + Work

    Beitrag vom 12.05.2005
